Configuration and Indexing
Java based Copley Motion Explorer (CME 2) configuration and control software is powerful
and intuitive. Clear diagnostics and advanced oscilloscope tools simplify system commissioning.
Advanced auto-phasing algorithm eliminates rewiring of encoder, Halls and motor. Indexer control
program runs as a separate task on Copley Virtual Machine (CVM).
Copley Virtual Machine
Copley Virtual Machine enables control
programs to run as independent amplifier
tasks. CVM runs in any amplifier mode.
Indexer Program
Define simple indexes, change parameters,
handle I/O or create powerful sequences of
indexes and commands.
Any parameter (e.g. move distance, gain)
can be assigned to a register enabling
on-the-fly adjustment by an external controller.
Auto-phasing makes system commissioning fast
and simple. Crossed encoder lines or mis-wired
motor and Hall phases? CME 2
automatically compensates.
Simple Tuning
Intuitive block diagrams of nested loopswith auto-tuning function. 4-channeloscilloscope for fine tuning and diagnostics.
