Skin Tone Evenness
- evaluate variations in skin tone
- measure changes in levels of
hyper-pigmentation, excessive
redness, and visible spots.

UV Damage
- identify sub-dermal spots and assess severity of UV damage
- obtain advice for healthy levels of
sun exposure for your unique skin
type, classified according to
the Fitzpatrick scale

Quantitative Data
- provide absolute scores, monitoring
progression of skin health over time
- measure product and treatment efficacy

Complete Facial Analysis
- surface and sub-dermal skin imaging
for left, front, and right profiles
Customizable Reports
- easy to understand on-screen
summaries and printed reports
Pore Health
- stop acne before it starts
- identify the number of unhealthy pores in
each of the four stages: excessive sebum,
bacteriostatic, inflamed, and deeply inflamed
- combat the first signs of aging
- target wrinkles based on five
levels of severity