Linear Motion System Components // Shaft Supports // |
SUPPORT RAILS - Aluminum support rails for intermittent or continuous support can be supplied with or without mounting holes. |
SHAFT SUPPORT HANGERS - Cast aluminum shaft supports are an economical way to suspend PIC standard shafting sizes. Particularly useful for linear motion, allowing the use of closed bearings. Available in inch and metric sizes for shaft diameters of .250" to 1.50" and 12mm to 40mm. |
Linear Motion System Components // Linear Bearing // |
LINEAR BEARINGS / RECIRCULATING BALL - The linear bearings of high precision enable endless rectilinear motion with contained rolling recirculating balls. Available in closed, adjustable or open styles. |
LINEAR SELF-LUBE NON METALLIC BEARINGS - Engineered plastic, self-lubricating bearings, interchangeable with all makes of linear ball bearings (preventing catastrophic failure). Use it for linear or rotational motion with hardened shafting or with lower cost, non-corrosive "soft" 300 series stainless steel ground shafting. Available in closed, adjustable and open style.
CERAMIC COATED LINEAR BEARINGS - Ceramic coated hard aluminum alloy with rotary/linear motion capability and low friction. Allows speeds up to 400 SFM, loads up to 5000 PSI with PV factor of 40,000.
LINEAR BEARING BRACKETS (PILLOW BLOCKS), CARRIAGE TOPS AND PRE-ASSEMBLED SUB-SYSTEMS - Offered to assist customers in selecting the most appropriate linear motion components and sub-systems. |
Linear Motion System Components // Precision Rubber Rollers // |

Used in design of: Copier machine paper drives, card feeders, collators, sorters, ticket and label dispensers, and virtually any machine that moves paper, tape, etc. Other bores, widths and diameters are available...inquire for price and availability. |
Material: Neoprene (Urethane, 40-90 Durometer optionally available) Clear Anodized Aluminum Hub (Passivated stainless steel optionally available). |