Remote control light sources are compact light sources designed to be manually controlled or remotely operated by analog or digital signals. These light sources offer a variety of optional safety features to maximize performance and reliability. The safety features monitor rush currents, lamp abnormalities and high lamp temperature. By building in these safety features, Moritex ensures that you will get reliable, stable light from these quality light sources.


The MHF-H50LR is a 50 watt remote-controllable light source. Its compact size makes it perfect for small work space applications. Unit comes standard with 0~5V analogue remote control capability. The unit's compact size and 2,000 hour lamp life makes it uniquely suited for machine integration.

This compact unit takes up 30% less space than its predecessor. Perfect for small working areas, the MHF-D100LR is a 100 watt remote-controllable light source. This unit can be controlled manually or remotely through analog or digital signals (please specify when ordering). In addition, this unit can be ordered with two meter remote remote cables attached (optional part MC-EX-02).

This unit has the same dimensions and performance of the MHF-D100LR, with the exception that it can accept a larger diameter light guide fiber bundle.

This unit was designed for applications requiring maximum illumination intensity. It is a 150 watt remote-controllable light source and can be controlled through either an analog or digital signal (please specify when ordering). This unit can be ordered with two meter remote cables attached (optional part MC-EX-02).

The MHF-H50LR, D100LR, D100SLR, and G150LR can be configured with the following optional safety features:

Lamp Rush Current Detection
A malfunctioning lamp can cause a dangerous electrical current build-up. This function not only detects such a rush current, but will also prevent a sudden increase in luminosity or damage to the light source’s power supply. Both the electrical current and voltage are monitored for any abnormalities while the light source is in use. If the lamp’s electrical current reaches 125% of normal, the lamp will immediately turn off. Once the lamp has been replaced, the light source will again function normally.

Internal High Temperature Detection
This function monitors any unusual temperature spikes within the lamp. Once the lamp temperature passes a safe level, the unit will shut down. When this occurs, the lamp has been damaged. The unit will not restart until the damaged lamp has been replaced.

Lamp Abnormality Detection
This function alerts the user when either the electrical current has fallen below the standard voltage level, or when the electrical current is not flowing because of a burnt-out lamp. If the voltage falls below 3.7V or if the electrical current falls below 65% of its normal value, the unit will shut down to avoid damage. When voltage or electrical current exceeds these levels, the unit will begin to function again.



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