Amplifier Comparison (Sigma II and LEGEND) for SGMGH Sigma II

Most Sigma II linear servomotors and rotary servomotors including SGMAH, SGMPH, SGMGH, and SGMSH can be driven by either the Sigma II or LEGEND amplifers. The table below compares some of the features of each amplifier. The SGMCS Direct Drive, SGMUH and SGMBH large capacity are only compatible with the Sigma II amplifier. The SGMM is only compatible with the SGDF amplifer.

  SGDH Sigma II SGDG LEGEND Digital Torque Amplifer
Built-in Interface Analog Input Torque Control
Analog Input Speed Control
Pulse Input Position Control
Amplifier Features Absolute Encoder Compatible
Built-in Holding Brake Control
Torque Loop Notch Filter
Setup Dipswitch  
Built-in Keypad
Serial Port
Setup and Monitoring Software with Data Trace
Power Amplifer Input Voltage
100/200/480 VAC
90-253 VAC
Up to 1.5 kW
1.5-55 kW
Motors SGMAH, SGMPH, SGMGH, SGMSH/UH, and Linear
SGMCS Direct Drive
SGMBH (Large Capacity)
Single-Axis Controllers SMC-3010
NS600 Indexer
NS300 DeviceNet
NS500 Profibus
MP940 Machine Controlle

? Up to 1.5 kW