ServoTube Motor Components : Moving Forcer - Requires External Bearing Rail



  • Built-in position sensor
  • Mount load directly to forcer
  • Very low audible noise
  • IP67 rating
  • Food-safe
  • Built-in heatsink
  • Standard 3 phase winding

Recommended Controller

  • STB11: Accelnet (75 VDC)
  • STB25/38: Xenus (230 VAC)

Maximum Travel

  • STB11: 219 -372 mm
  • STB25: 1027 - 1180 mm
  • XTB38: 1148 - 1362 mm


  • Application dependent
  • Velocity: up to 8.7 m/s
  • Acceleration: up to 586 m/s/s


  • 1 Vpk-pk sin/cos

Width x Height Dimensions

  • STB11: 28 x 61 mm
  • STB25: 95 x 54 mm
  • XTB38: 122 x 70 mm


servotube 11

ServoTube STB11

Force 1104 1108 1112 1116
Peak:N 46 62 69 92
Cont:N 8.6 14.5 19 23.5



servotube 25

ServoTube STB25

Force 2504 2506 2508 2510
Peak:N 312 468 624 780
Cont:N 51 70 87 104

servotube 38

ServoTube XTB38

Force 3804 3806 3808 3810
Peak:N 744 1116 1488 1860
Cont:N 137 187 232 276