- 16-bit resolution
- 2 timer outputs
- 1 MS/s throughput
- Seven software-selectable analog input ranges of ±10 V, ±5 V, ±2 V, ±1 V, ±0.5 V, ±0.2 V, and ±0.1V
- Up to four of the analog inputs configurable as differential thermocouple (TC) inputs
- Up to 12 MS/s scanning on all digital input lines
- 8 differential or 16 single-ended analog inputs
- Four 1 MS/s, 16-bit analog outputs
- Synchronous operation of all analog I/O, digital I/O, and counter/timer I/O
- 24 digital I/O lines
- 4 counter inputs capable of measuring frequency, period, pulse width, or quadrature encoders up to 20 MHz