: : : : : : : : : : Halogen Type Light Sources : : : : : : : : : :

Halogen type light source ca out put all wave lengths of visible light (400mm to 750mm) power fully and consistently. Using withlight guide various lighting patterns can be achieved while saving space. They are the most common light source to process images.

Moritex fiber optic illumination systems are the leading choice for machine vision systems manufacturers and end users world-wide. Our MHAA light sources provide stable (&plusnm;1% illumination stability) cold light illumination. Certain models also include digital remote control and self-diagnostic capabilities.


Standard Functions
External analog lighting control
You can control light by selecting REMO on the switch on the font panel and suplying DC0-5V analog voltage from outside.

External volume lighting control
You can control light by selecting REMO on the switch on the font panel and conecting an external switching signal and 10 KOhm volume.

External lamp

You can turn off the light by inputing a DC 5V signal from outside.

Lamp abnormality indication
An indicator lamp on the font panel light up when there is a problem with the lamp. (when the lamp need to be changed : burnout and over current)
Burnt-out lamp Output

Burn-out lamp is detected and a signal is outputed.

Lamp on output

A signal is outputted outside when the lamp is on.

Lamp rush current and Internal high temperature detection
If the lamp'selectrical current overflow, the lamp will immediately turn off. If the temperature around the lamp passes a safe level, the lamp will turn off.

Interlock function
Internal high temperature detection
If the lamp exchange door is open, the lamp will turn off to prevent electric shock. If the temperature around the lamp passes a safe level, the lamp will turn off.
Optional Function
Digital 8 bit light Control
Light can be controlled by 8 bit digital signals from uotside (7 bit signal for MME-50LR)

Shutter with a light Source
A shutter unit with a light source device can be opened and closed when DC 24V (0.32A) is supplied.
SO : Usually open, closes under voltage
SO : Usually closed, opens under voltage

50 W Halogen Lightsouces

MHF-V501 very compact and Lightweight Lightsource. This Unit costs the least and lasts the longes of all our models.

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100 W Halogen Lightsources

MHAA-100W Most commonly used model. Various modification available ( internal shutter; analog/digital control etc)

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150 W Halogen Lightsource

Dual Wattage Type, can be used with 100W and 150 W Light bulbs. Most powerfull Lightsource (80 000Lx on the object 50 mm away from the fibre end)

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250 W Metal Halide Lightsource

MME-252 Very high Power Lightsource, flicker free due to DC power supply. Achives more than 270 000 lux on the object 50 mm away from the end of a 2000m Fibre.

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Lamp House

The Lamp House can be used when there is little space to install the Lightsource.

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External Lightsource Controller RS-484

Lightcontroller suitable to control a battery of Moritex Light sources.


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